Balancing Décor with Functionality

Healthcare furnishings have evolved dramatically in the last decade from being primarily utilitarian and provisional, into pleasant and patient oriented environments where the patient feels welcome and comfortable.
The benefits of these modern spaces reach far beyond just the cosmetics; it is impacting the patient experience exponentially through many psychological factors that we now understand. The cold waiting area of the past had wooden benches, stacking chairs, cold metal end tables that had remnants of newspapers scattered over it. The nervous child was sitting on the edge of their seat, imagining the impending doom when the nurse called them into the room. Everything focused on the door that led down to the that scary exam room where needles, scalpels an other strange instruments were used. We called that "White Coat Syndrome".
In recent years, attention to the decor has provided the pleasant distraction with calming colors, comfortable lounge feel and a friendly atmosphere. The difficulty is now "Balancing Decor with Functionality" .
We have become much more aware of infection control in recent years as well as patient safety. The interesting thing is, it is completely possible to have both function and decor!
Canadian Hospitals no longer allow real wood products due to infection control risk so metal frame seating has been developed which has proven to add more benefits than anticipated. The metal structures stands up to wear extremely well and are very dependable through years of use.
Medical grade vinyls have also been developed to withstand the powerful cleaners used in healthcare today, such as peroxide, alcohol and bleach based products. Not all vinyls are suited for today's cleaners. There is testimony to this in many waiting areas with chairs in tears and tatters, as the cleaners dry out the upholstery and it prematurely wears out. Unless you are an expert with materials, delving into the upholstery selections can be daunting and confusing. Those familiar with the options can direct you to your best selections to match with your cleaning requirements. Contrary to common belief, vinyl grades do not reflect quality, they mostly reflect selection and styling. Our team can help you find selections that have the highest rating of "double rubs*" and are suited for the chemical cleaning, without going to top grade options.
The picture at the top is our Cassia seating collection that is actually a behavioral health collection. This is a perfect example of how to balance decor with function and provide an inviting setting. Don't be fooled by the good looks, these chairs are purpose built and perform perfectly in any setting but especially useful for mental health. The design is wood-free and cover in a very highly rating of vinyl. Beneath the sleek cover, the frame is weighted for security and safety.